Thursday, September 24, 2009

Blogging: I Think I Can, I Think I Can : Week 2

This is what should have been my post for week 2 of the 550 agenda...

The concept of blogging allows for self expression in these rapidly changing technological times. It generally takes me a while to grasp the full concept of these new technologies because I don't have time to practice them daily nor do I have the privilege to do so at work (where I spend most of my time). It doesn't matter though because it has to be done.

I look at my 550 colleagues blogs, many of them appear to be billions and billions of miles away from the class outline like the Concord whereas, my mantra is the same as The Little Engine That Could, "I think I can, I think I can." I suppose this disparity in blog expression has a lot to do with the level of exposure to technology, amount of available time, experience with the technology and an uncompromising interest in the subject matter. Of these qualities, I am of the latter sort--I have a relentless desire to comfortably grasp the art of blogging even though it requires a bit of skill. Once mastered, it be a useful tool to support many of my personal and business projects.

I'm still trying to understand the blog registration process. It seems like I've done this before--I certainly said it before. I go the site for registration and it requires that the blogger is an employee. Am I in the right place? There was an alternate registration process but I forget what prevented me from doing so. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Or, should I have addressed this matter with Amy?

Oh yeah, I tried to add all my colleagues URLs to my blog roll but it doesn't show up on my blog. What am I doing that prevents them from showing up?


  1. Hi Phylis,

    It is quite easy. Just go to learning 2.0 project blog and go through all of the classes blogs and click on the follow button for each person. Then sign in to edit your blog at the top right of your blog, go to dashboards, go to edit, go to bloglist edit, click on add url, click the radio button marked blogs I am following and you are good to go.
    Hope this helps. See you in class.

  2. Hi Phyllis,

    I can help you add the class blogs before class tonight or during break if you need help. =D


  3. It is very nice that Kristen has offered to help, and thank you, John, for posting here some step-by-steps.... you will need to make use of each other as you go through this process. If you need to meet before class, please let me know and we can do somethings step-by-step as well but make an appointment with me in advance.


  4. Thank you all for the help. Kristen, hopefully I will see you before class. Sometimes virtual doesn't do it!

  5. I just checked out everyone's blogs and I'm not seeing where you feel everyone has moved far away from the outline. I only saw a few non-class related posts.
