Thursday, September 24, 2009

Photos and Images: Week 3

These are my future doctoral candidates in Library and Information Science!

Photos and Images: Week 3

This is Chip. He has the ego of a teenage pit bull. He is about to enter into a duel with Tamara.

Photos and Images: Week 3

This is one of my favorite bookmarks taken for American Library Association's READ campaign. As I gain more finesse with blogging, I hope to add so much more. I like this image because it inspires little black girls to read--well big black girls too. ALA has an eclectic catalogue of popular images designed to motivate and inspire people to read. This image was uploaded through my blog "add image" function. My next attempt is the flickr one.

Blogging: I Think I Can, I Think I Can : Week 2

This is what should have been my post for week 2 of the 550 agenda...

The concept of blogging allows for self expression in these rapidly changing technological times. It generally takes me a while to grasp the full concept of these new technologies because I don't have time to practice them daily nor do I have the privilege to do so at work (where I spend most of my time). It doesn't matter though because it has to be done.

I look at my 550 colleagues blogs, many of them appear to be billions and billions of miles away from the class outline like the Concord whereas, my mantra is the same as The Little Engine That Could, "I think I can, I think I can." I suppose this disparity in blog expression has a lot to do with the level of exposure to technology, amount of available time, experience with the technology and an uncompromising interest in the subject matter. Of these qualities, I am of the latter sort--I have a relentless desire to comfortably grasp the art of blogging even though it requires a bit of skill. Once mastered, it be a useful tool to support many of my personal and business projects.

I'm still trying to understand the blog registration process. It seems like I've done this before--I certainly said it before. I go the site for registration and it requires that the blogger is an employee. Am I in the right place? There was an alternate registration process but I forget what prevented me from doing so. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Or, should I have addressed this matter with Amy?

Oh yeah, I tried to add all my colleagues URLs to my blog roll but it doesn't show up on my blog. What am I doing that prevents them from showing up?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Getting on Track: Week1

This is perhaps what I should have been blogging about 2 weeks ago but just didn't get it. Not too sure if I've gotten it to date but I am most confident that I will eventually master it all.

The first item in 2.0 discusses the notion of becoming a lifelong learner. This is why I am in library school at this age and time despite the present economic trauma. I have always been a lifelong learner and have always been outside of the box with everything I do. My presence in class illustrates that I am operating outside of my small box. There are so few of me and my kind around that I must succeed at this if nothing more than to mentor and encourage more individuals to get involved in this world.

I read the 2.0 material before classes began and printed the Learning Contract. Printing it and signing it are two distinct functions. So, tonight, I pulled the contract out, looked at it, completed it, made a personal committment to follow through with this 2.0 process, and signed it. I will catch up and do this...all of it!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Keeping Up With Information Technology

Ok,I'm usually souped-up after I leave class to the point where I can't wait to go home to practice what I've learned from lectures and lab work. On the way home, I talk to anyone who will listen to me about what I've learned that night. After my 45 minute commute and struggling through a forced very bad Bluetooth car phone diaglog, by the time I reach home, I'm so fried from the new language and the pace at which we were introduced to and practiced new material , I can't even spell the word computer let alone logging on again and continuing the process. You know they say avoid going on the computer late nights because it interferes with sleep patterns. My concern here is how do I remember what to do after class if I don't touch the work for 2 days later. Does anyone have a solution (other than practice, practice) that can help me keep up with the work? It's moving quite rapidly.

2 point Oh Yes!!

My first question was, "what is 2.0?. I don't recall ever seeing 1.0 or any indicators that a series of these point Oh things would exist. One of my class associates gave a compelling answer that explains the decimal but I'm on the edge of my chair wondering if there will be smaller versions leading to the big 3.0.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Comedy Tour

My agent called to asked if i was interested in doing a 4-college tour in the midwest. His call was about 11:45 pm.