Sunday, December 20, 2009

My Thoughts on the Learning 2.0 Program

I only wish that I had the time to fully participate in the program and not have to work and be so rushed through the entire project. It is a beautiful experience and anyone interested or not in technology and libraries should get involved. There were areas that were challenging and added to what I call my "technology anxiety." But overall, it has opened my mind to another level of thinking about technology. I appreciate the opportunity and will continue to practice it as I build my technorati acumen ;)

Net Library thoughts...

Two years ago, my daughter gave me a fully-loaded IPOD Nano with all of my favorite music already downloaded. I later added my Pilates podcasts and some videos. I thought it was an amazing device to have my music and podcasts in the palm of my hand and available to play in my car as well. It helped me to eliminate a place to store CDs. Well, the thought of downloading audiobooks is even better. I can now clear my attic of the 5ooo books that live there. Don't worry though, I love books and will donate them to useful cause.


Ironically the links were dead to the Directories. :( I'll try something else.

Exploration of Web 2.0 Awards List

The entire list is useful in the library because we must be equipped to work with everyone. I especially like Google Docs as mentioned earlier. I need a vacation to really examine the other nominees to effectively evaluate them for specific recommendation.

Online Apps

Google Docs is my absolute fave! I recently shared it with my family and co-workers. Communication will never be the same!

What 2.0 means to me...

2.0 has given me the opportunity to understand the level of participation that is required to keep up with basic emerging technology. I've had anxiety attacks trying to wrap my mind around the demands of the technology. I think that having to undo the way I was taught to learn and then re-train my brain to understand the technology has had a severe impact on my compassion for anyone that is trying to embrace and learn technology. It is often said that learning is painful. Well...I'm in stitching now. I love the result of it all.


Wikis are phenomenal in collaborating with co-workers on a project. It gives an account of the communication but does not update posts in a seamless manner.